Bear Safety Training Programs
Our bear safety training programs can be tailored to various groups and activities, from recreational sports organizations to community groups to industries. Note: Workshops can be provided in conjunction with Bear Spray Training or Wildlife Awareness Training.
Program Details
If you have staff working in remote locations within bear country, bear safety training is an essential part of Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. We can deliver the training at your office or job site, live on Zoom or MS Teams or On-demand Online.
Program Outline (2 hours)
Bear Ecology
Grizzly and black bear identification
Identifying signs of a bear in the area
Avoiding bear encounters
Risk enhancing behaviours
Types of bear attacks
What to do in a defensive or non-defensive encounter
How to handle a bear attack
Research on bears and industry (customized to type of work)
Review of current practices
Bear Safety & More has the ability to develop hands on education programs and practices that help to minimize conflicts between humans and wildlife. They can help communities and industry that are willing to make a commitment to minimize risk while living with wildlife.